Electronic Device Lending Restrictions
Only 1 Launchpad, Chromebook, and/or hotspot may be checked out to a cardholder. Launchpads, Chromebooks and hotspots may not be circulated through interlibrary loan. These items must be returned to the library where the device was checked out. They cannot be returned to other Clevnet libraries. Electronic devices should be returned directly to the Circulation Desk. Dropping the device in the book drop may result in a fine. Some items may require an additional Borrower Agreement to be signed & completed at the time of checkout of the item.
- Items are not holdable
- Renewals are not permitted
Available Devices

Launchpads are 100% secure tablets designed specifically for children. Each tablet comes pre-loaded with learning apps and games grouped by subject area, theme, age, and grade level. The Launchpads can be checked out for 21 days with a library card.
Chromebook Bundle
You can “check out the internet” by borrowing a Chromebook laptop and hotspot bundle from each library with a library card & state issued photo ID.
In order to checkout a Chromebook Bundle, you must be 18 years old and a Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library cardholder in good standing for a minimum of 30 days . The Bundles can be checked out from the library for 14 days.

In an effort to expand internet access across our communities, you can borrow a hotspot from any of our libraries.
Hotspots allow users to access the internet from home and on the go. The hotspots are connected to the Sprint/T-Mobile network and will allow unlimited 4G data access. The hotspots allow up to 5 devices to be connected at any time. You can share your internet connection with family, friends, and co-workers. The hotspot requires a strong cellular signal to work. Click here for a map of the coverage area.
Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers can access the internet with a mobile hotspot.
Hotspot Lending Guidelines
Alert: Due to high demand, the Wi-Fi Hotspots now require a reservation.
In order to checkout a hotspot, you must be 18 years old and a Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library card holder in good standing for 30 days. The hotspots can be checked out from the library for 14 days.
- 1 hotspot per library card holder
- No automatic renewals
- No roaming or international use
- Returning the hotspot via the book drop is discouraged
- Hotspot must be returned to the library where it was borrowed