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Power to the WEPL: Fiero Code and Scratch
Continue Reading: Power to the WEPL: Fiero Code and ScratchFiero Code walks students age 8-18 through Scratch, a drag-and-drop coding program developed by MIT that introduces kids to the world of coding. It’s up to students to save Planet Fiero by learning to code! Create an account for free here. As you learn more coding skills, you earn gear for the custom robot you create in the…
Upcoming Events
Homeschool LEGO Club
We provide the LEGO; you provide the imagination!Willowick Public LibraryMore Details
The "Original" Teen Art Club @ Eastlake
Do you love to create art but never get the chance? Join other art-loving teens for Art Club where we will focus on a different artist or…Eastlake Public LibraryMore Details
Classes are offered with instructors of ASPIRE of Cuyahoga Community College. Attendees must register through the ASPIRE office, 216-371-7138 or 216-261-5006. In person. Tuesdays/Thurdays, 9:30 am–12…Willowick Public LibraryMore Details
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Power to the WEPL: Fiero Code and Scratch
Continue Reading: Power to the WEPL: Fiero Code and ScratchFiero Code walks students age 8-18 through Scratch, a drag-and-drop coding program developed by MIT that introduces kids to the world of coding. It’s up to students to save Planet Fiero by learning to code! Create an account for free here. As you learn more coding skills, you earn gear for the custom robot you create in the…
New Library Catalog and App!
Continue Reading: New Library Catalog and App!We are migrating to a new library catalog on October 28. This also means we will have a brand new library app! The app can be found here: Google Apple Current checkouts, holds, lists, and reading history will then continue with the new app. When you sign in to the new app, you will use…