Toy Library Expansion and Introducing Tonies!
The Willoughby-Eastlake Library is proud to announce that we have expanded our Toy Library! All WE Libraries now have collections that include everything from puzzles and adapted toys to Snap Circuits and coding robots!
We are also adding Tonies to the Toy Library! Tonies are an audio system designed for little listeners. Turn it on, pop a Tonie on top and let the adventure begin! Tonies bring your family a screen-free, imagination-building experience, and each one brings new stories or songs! Each location has 4 Toniebox bundles as well as Tonie character bundles. Toys and Tonies are available to checkout for 21 days and are non-renewable and non-holdable. They must be returned to the location they were checked out at and cannot go in the book drop.
Frequently Asked Questions and Lending Rules
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Tonies?
The Toniebox is a soft, screen-free speaker for children. Using magnetic figurines called Tonies, children can navigate storytelling, music, and guided activities independently. It is a kid-safe media platform filled with content from premium partners including National Geographic, Penguin Random House, and LeVar Burton.
Find out more at us.tonies.com.
Where can I check them out?
Each of our four locations has 4 Toniebox bundles that include the Toniebox and 3 Tonies. Character bundles with 3 Tonies are also available. Each family may check out a max of 1 Toniebox bundle and 2 Tonie bundles.
What is included in a Toniebox bundle?
Each bundle includes: a Toniebox speaker, a charger, a carrying case, instructions, and 3 Tonies.
Can I check out just the Tonie Toppers?
Each location has a collection of Tonies that are available for checkout. These characters do not come with a speaker, but they will work with any speaker included in our bundles without needing an internet connection. Each library’s Tonieboxes are connected to only that library’s tonies. Willowick’s Tonies will not connect to Eastlake’s Tonieboxes.
Already have a speaker at home? Perfect! You can take home any of our characters to use with your personal speaker. Just remember, you must be connected to wi-fi to download the content from the Tonie.
How long can I check them out for?
Both the Toniebox bundles and the individual Tonie characters can be checked out for 21 days and cannot be renewed. These items must be returned to the same library location they were checked out from. Each family may check out a max of 1 Toniebox bundle and 2 Tonie bundles.
Are they easy to use?
Designed for kids ages 3 and up, the Toniebox is a great companion for independent play. The controls are designed with little listeners (and little hands) in mind, so kids can easily adjust volume, fast forward, rewind and change stories all on their own.
- Squeeze an ear to raise or lower the volume.
- Tap the sides to change chapters or tilt to fast-forward or rewind.
- Even swapping stories is simple. Just place a different Tonie on the box to begin a new adventure!
Tonies checked out from our locations can be used without wi-fi on our Tonieboxes. If you are using a personal Toniebox you must be connected to wi-fi.
What toys do you have?
Each library has different toys available. Toys are non-holdable and popular, so we suggest visiting the library to see what is in stock.
What are adapted toys?
Each library has toys that have been adapted with connections that allow controls to be overridden with buttons that are also available for checkout.
Lending Rules for Toys and Tonies
- Toys are free for checkout to adult library card holders in good standing!
- Toys can be checked out for 21 days.
- A max of 3 toys can be charged out per family. In addition a max of one Toniebox bundle and 2 Tonie bundles can be charged out per family.
- Toys must be returned to the checkout desk at the library they were checked out from.
- Please do not put toys in the book drop.
- Toys are non-holdable.
- Toys are not renewable.
- Damaged toys or those missing pieces will incur fines.