Below you will find an upcoming program paired with related movies, documentaries, books, music, and more to help you gain a wider understanding of the topic before or after the program.
Explore further, deepen your discovery, and connect to learning!
The Program: Fit4Mom Stroller Strides, Thurs., July 11, 2 pm, Willoughby Library
Description: Fit4Mom Lake County presents Stroller Strides! Stroller Strides is a 60-minute, total-body workout that incorporates cardio, strength, and core training, all while engaging and entertaining the little ones in a stroller! Join us as we intentionally move our bodies and sing, dance and read to your little ones. Our instructors are extensively trained in pre and postnatal fitness and love to help entertain your littles so you can get your hour of me time. Children under four must be strapped in a stroller or worn in a carrier. Older kiddos are welcome to join and sit next to mom during class. Please bring a yoga mat, water and any snacks for kiddos to help keep them entertained.
Books to Help New Moms Stay Fit
Check out a title in electronic or physical format and continue on your fitness journey. Here are a few titles:

Fit Mama
Description: From simple exercises to do with baby to full body cardio workouts, Fit Mama offers an effective, holistic approach to postpartum fitness. Stacy Denney and Kate Hodson know from experience that it doesn’t happen overnight. They offer wise counsel on finding the time and energy to shape up gradually at first, and they motivate moms to amp it up as time goes by. With fully illustrated step-by-step directions and lots of encouragement along the way, Fit Mama delivers!
Hoopla (eBook) Libby (eBook) Print

Hot (Sweaty) Mamas: Five Secrets to Life as a Fit Mom
Description: This book is perfect for every mom or mom-to-be thinking about starting an exercise program, as well as moms already pursuing their fitness goals. Hot (Sweaty) Mamas reaches a wider audience than other fitness books that merely focus on getting your prebaby body back by presenting advice on how to pursue fitness despite a busy schedule, how to carve out time with or without kids to work out, and how to get the support needed to pursue fitness goals.

Find Your Mama Groove: 5 Steps to a Balanced, Happy, Connected Life and Family
Description: This book is for all the mamas out there who want to leave a life of burn out and find one of balance, who want to find their Mama Groove, and get their energy back. It will show you how to start enjoying life, and sharing more fun, love, and laughter with your partner and kids. It may seem like a big journey, but it’s broken down into simple, do-able steps for the busiest of moms.
Laughter Leads to Wellness!
Laughter is the best medicine, they say, and we agree. These titles take a humorous look at motherhood. The audiobook versions make for great companions while exercising!

Description: Motherhood is the toughest – and funniest – job you’ll ever love. Raising kids is hard work. The pay sucks, your boss is a tyrant, and the working conditions are pitiful – you can’t even take a bathroom break without being interrupted with another outrageous demand. Hasn’t every mother said it before? “I just want to pee alone!” I Just Want to Pee Alone is a collection of hilarious essays from 37 of the most kick ass mom bloggers on the web.
eBook (Libby) Audiobook (Hoopla)

Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay: And Other Things I Had to Learn as a New Mom
Description: In busy Mom-friendly short essays, Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay delivers the empathetic straight dirt on parenting, tackling everything from Mommy & Me classes (“Your baby doesn’t need to be making friends at three months old-you do! But not with people you’ll meet at Mommy & Me”) to attachment parenting (“If you’re holding your baby 24/7, that’s not a baby, that’s a tumor”). Stefanie Wilder-Taylor combines practical tips with sidesplitting humor and refreshing honesty, assuring women that they can be good mothers and responsibly make their own choices.
Audiobook (Hoopla) (Libby) Print

Description: In their highly-anticipated first book, the hilarious mom duo with millions of followers explores all the ridiculous shit you’re expected to do to keep multiple humans alive and happy-ish, and celebrates the love for the friends who get you through it.
eBook (Hoopla) Audiobook (Libby)