Anime Update, Vol. 8

Greetings, fellow otaku!

Our inaugural session of the summer Tween & Teen Anime Awesomeness series viewed an adorable series called “Working Buddies”. Each episode was 2-4 minutes and featured two feline co-workers who experience a different job every time. It was whacky and even had the characters playing “Meowrio Kart” (which got a laugh). Overall, I think the favorite part of the anime was the random philosophical koala that would make an appearance. Alas, this anime is not available in Clevnet in any way, shape, or form.

Cover image of the Cells at Work manga book

Our second session of the month had us seeing “Cells at Work”, which was very well-received. In a change of pace, this anime offers a bit of education! It provides information about the roles of different cells in the body, which all (you guessed it) work together in different ways to keep their home healthy and functioning. Action-packed and uniquely entertaining, the characterizations of different cells are fun (and funny). The first two episodes got several laughs from our audience, and there was a consensus that teens wanted to watch more of it. Alas, the anime has not yet been released for libraries to purchase. However, we do have access to the manga (which is also very entertaining, and I recommend checking it out below).

Volume 1 of the Cells at Work manga

Omnibus vols 1-3

It’s also available as a digital eBook through both Libby and Hoopla!

Cover image of the anime Suzume DVD

If you’re looking for something else in the meantime, the libraries have got their copies of the anime film Suzume! The film follows Suzume as she and a mysterious stranger she meets must work together to close the doors that will cause destruction across Japan. It’s an interesting adventure/fantasy story that is worth a watch.  

DVD Blu-Ray

Until the next episode,

Miss Bryn

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