February is Black History Month, a time for honoring the history and achievements of black Americans. We strive to offer diverse programs all year-long, in addition to constantly acquiring materials that exhibit a diverse range of voices.
Here are a few ways to celebrate this month and beyond:
Attend a program!

A Celebration of Black History Through Stories, Mon., Feb. 5, 6:30 pm, Willoughby Hills Library
Join us as we celebrate African and African-American culture with folktales presented by storyteller Donna Willingham from the Cleveland Association of Black Storytellers. Learn the history of “Black History Month” and the important role of storytelling that is just as relevant today as in ancient times. All ages welcome.
Register: https://bit.ly/3TDhogo
Exploring Identity, Love, and Being Black in America in Fiction Writing: A Conversation with Award-Winning Author Jason Mott
Tues., Feb. 20, 4 pm, Online
You’re invited to join us as we talk to New York Times bestselling author Jason Mott about his recent novel Hell of a Book. This magnificent work of fiction is deeply honest, at times electrically funny, and is a book that goes to the heart of racism, police violence, and the hidden costs exacted upon Black Americans and America as a whole. Register and submit questions for author here: https://bit.ly/3O060Yh
Drum Circle for Kids, Tues., Feb. 20, 6:30 pm, Eastlake Library
Concentration, collaboration, and a whole lot of fun! Presented by (and drums provided by) Kulture Kids. Ages 7+
Register: https://bit.ly/3vhbU0N
Underground Railroads, Wed., Feb. 28, 6:30 pm, Willoughby Hills Library
Allison Powell from the James A. Garfield National Historic Site will share her knowledge of the Underground Railroads.
Register: https://bit.ly/48EJ2xI
Curated Collections

Kanopy is an amazing streaming service available to Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library cardholders. In addition to their dynamic collection of movies, documentaries, and series, they have curated a collection for Black History Month. Learn more about the remarkable achievements and the heroes who’ve paved the way for change by viewing narrative films and documentaries. Check it out here: https://welibrary.kanopystreaming.com/

Hoopla Digital has compiled this collection of materials ranging from streaming music, movies, and television to audiobooks to eBooks, and more. All accessible immediately with your library card and an account. Check out the collection here: https://www.hoopladigital.com/collection/14837

The Libby app is another great way to access materials celebrating Black Authors. Check out an eBook or audiobook here: https://bit.ly/3w1Mrsy