Newspapers and Magazines at Home from your Library

We’re All Adults Here

Book Recommendations & Other Musings

by Carol Tuttle

Carol Tuttle, Collection Services Librarian

We are greeting 2022 with a new addition to our WEPL digital collection that brings access to the current day’s issue of our local paper, The News-Herald. Previously, logging in to the NewsBank database offered full text searching of past issues without photos. Now, you can click on today’s date and see today’s complete paper! Both The News-Herald and The Plain Dealer are available. Here’s how it works: When you click on The News-Herald Collection, choose the blue title with format “Image.” This brings you to the calendar where you can select the date of the paper you want to read. The layout works best when using a computer but is also accessible by mobile device. There are onscreen tools that allow you to clip an article or photo from the digital issue and save it as a PDF, print it, or upload to your Google Drive. You can access this from home using your Willoughby-Eastlake Library card and PIN or access within our library buildings without a library card. Don’t have a WEPL library card? Request an eCard  or visit any of our four buildings to get a full-service library card.

Our library patrons have always enjoyed magazines and newspapers, but the last two years have made it a bit tough to come into our buildings to read the print editions. Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library has a broad digital collection for you to browse and read most of your favorites. The CLEVNET digital magazine collection (read them in the Libby app or your computer browser) has a huge variety of magazines and is very popular with our WEPL patrons. We still have 5 digital magazine subscriptions kept current available only in Flipster: Allrecipes monthly; Fido Friendly; Lake Erie Living; People weekly; Real Simple monthly. There are also some archived back issues of other publications.

Download the apps from your device’s app store for Libby, PressReader and Flipster, or view the magazines and newspapers in your computer browser. The photos and text can be enlarged and zoomed in (color pages look stunning using the app on tablets). Explore our digital magazines and newspapers. The variety is amazing, and you are sure to find something you like.

Carol Tuttle is the Collections & Digital Services Manager for the Willoughby-Eastlake Library System. She  is currently reading Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

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